Health is more than just a lack of disease or illness. Rather, it
is a balance of the WHOLE[listic] person's human experience--mental,
emotional, physical, spiritual, occupational, financial, social
and environmental--that determines one's overall wellness.
Health is the well-being of an organization, a society, a nation, the universe and beyond. It is about how well systems work (systemic wellness or efficacy) and what we can do to simply make things better. As you already know, we have to compare everything with another in order to know good or bad. So in this light, there truly isn't any such thing as good or bad...but simply, better.
From one executive and entrepreneur to another, I can relate to much of your
daily stressors at hand. We're all so busy caring for our
clients, customers, patients and congregation that it's
easy to forget to give ourselves the very care we provide
to others. Let me show you how mindfulness can change your
life--your health--for the better.
For organizations or groups, this means improving qualitative
processes. Some of the benefits may include:
Increased financial returns
Increased conscious communications
Increased overall effectiveness and productivity levels
Increased personal growth
Increased morale
Increased group cohesiveness
If you're like many, you exercise daily and watch what you
eat to maintain your physical appearance and health. But
what are you doing for your mind and why is this important
to your well-being? Think of mindfulness as training for
the brain...because your body is nothing without your mind.
Other Services:
Guided Meditation
Wellness/Support Group Facilitator
Wellness, Recovery & Mindful Living Coach
Public Speaking Coach (Live | TV | Video
| Podcast)
of Life Officiant
Relationship, Spiritual Counseling
Ordained Ministe
Certified Recovery Peer Specialist - Provisional (CRPS-P)
Certified Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Responder
Below is a list of suggested Public Speaking Topics.
* Mindfulness
* Meditation
* Communications
* Cultural Diversity
* Addictions/Alcoholism/Substance Abuse
* Mental Health
* Domestic Violence
* Women Empowerment
* Colorectal Cancer
* Our Health, Our World & The Price of Convenience
* Hidden Abuse: Exploitation, Manipulation and Corruption
of Systems
* Beyond Policies & Procedures: The Need for Reformation
* Integrative Health, Wellness & Medicine: Eastern Philosophy
Meets Western Technology
Call (904) 386-3634 to schedule an appointment or public speaking event. In-person and virtual consultations available.
"Grace is a perfect example of a spiritual and compassionate meditation leader and business leader who came and led a meditation with all of our clients last year at Pearl of the Sea Retreat. Grace has a way of connecting with people and especially those suffering or in need. She has my highest recommendation."
- Matthew Roberts
Group Facilitator - CRPS
Pearl of the Sea Retreat