Jan. 1, 2009 -
Happy New Year!
Still keeping up with
my workouts -- lifting weights and cardio (walking and/or running)! Will
post a current photo soon!
Been tired lately,
wanting to nap during the day and sleep in in the mornings. Of course,
the first thing I worry about is the return of colon cancer. I'm not going
to worry about it too much until I learn otherwise. I have my annual CT
scan and bloodwork scheduled for January 29th and will post the results
soon thereafter.
Thurs., Feb. 5:
CT scan and blood work came back clear of cancer! I am officially a three-year
colon cancer survivor today. Yeah! However, I will have to have a colonoscopy
sometime next week; one year early for this procedure, due to some back-up
in the colon, if you know what I mean.
Mon., Feb. 9:
Today is the day I start my all-clear-liquid diet and 3:00 p.m. colon-cleansing
treatment of Golytely (pronounced go lightly). I'm having a colonoscopy
scheduled for 10:45am tomorrow. Apparently, my cancer-removal surgery
(hemicolectomy) in 2005 left a portion of my colon much too small for
things to pass through without build-up. So, I will be cleaned
out tomorrow, and if possible, the doctor will try to enlarge this area
of my colon by lasering off some of the scar tissue. If the lasering cannot
be done during the colonoscopy, I will have to have surgery to revise
the colon resection.
Ran 4 miles earlier
today in 46 minutes! This is terrific news for me, considering (1) I have
not ran 4 miles since early last year and (2) my best 4-mile run time
was 48 minutes. It's 1pm, and so far today, I have had 2 cups of coffee
(no milk allowed) and one cup of green tea. I'm hungry!
Thurs., Feb. 12:
Wonderful news! Last Tues., my colonoscopy revealed that I did not
in fact have a stricture. Rather, the muscles are no longer constricting
in that certain section where my colon was resectioned. In other words,
that portion is no longer able to move things through the colon. I now
have to take a dose of Glycolax (or Miralax) every day. Aside from the
daily laxative, I do not have to worry about further surgery or a colonoscopy
for another five years.
The gastroenterologist
did find and remove three polyps, all of which he believes are benign.
Biopsies were sent to the lab. I should get the results sometime next
Fri., Feb. 27:
I've been ramping up my once-a-week "long" running distance
from 2.5 miles to 4 miles, and then running twice more during the week
for at least 3 miles each time, with an average speed of between 10.5-and-11-minute
miles. This morning, I ran 5 miles for the first time in over a year!
Not too proud of my finish time of 75:00 (15-minute-miles), but 1) I finished
and 2) I'm feeling fine!
My youngest sister,
Gina, invited me to participate in a St. Patrick's Day 5K/10K race on
Sun., March 22nd. I've never ran a race, and Lord knows I won't be running
for time, but I think I'll give it a try.
Tues., March 3:
OK, I want to let you know that although I felt fine right after my 5-mile
run last Friday, my left hip was really bothering me the next day, to
the point of limping after being in a sitting or lying position for an
extended period of time. I asked my doctor if there is anything I can
do to alleviate the pain from osteoarthritis (bone-to-bone arthritis in
the hip due to my past chemo treatments), and she recommended glucosamine-chondroitin.
Unfortunately, one of the ingredients in the supplement is shellfish to
which I have an allergy.
The only thing I can
take for the pain is 800mg of ibuprofen, the equivalent of a prescription
dose. I'm too young to get a hip replacement, but it is possible that
I will have to opt for it in the future. My doctor also recommended that
I look into other forms of aerobic exercise such as brisk walking, biking
or swimming, all of which are low-impact. There's nothing wrong with low-impact
exercise. In fact, I was an AFAA-certified group exercise instructor and
taught step-aerobics! However, I am completely hooked on running
and feel that I am just "warming up" to the sport! So for now,
I'll continue to run, take the 800mg of Ibuprofen and try not to whine
so much about the pain.
Wed., March 4:
I have never snow-skiied but have always wanted to do so. I leave for
Snowshoe, West Virginia exactly one week from today. Whoo-Hoo! I'll be
going with a dozen people, to include my husband, daughter, sister, bro-in-law,
niece, and brother. Bought ski pants, goggles, ski gloves, thermals (non-cotton)
and ski socks (extra padding). I already have a nice ski jacket, turtlenecks,
hats and boots. Well, the jacket is on the "puffier" side, not
as slimming as I would like to have for skiing, but I am not going to
buy another jacket for my first time skiing. If I don't get the hang of
skiing even after daily lessons, I would like to at least look
like I know how to ski. Hahaha! Did the same thing when I started taking
golf lessons several years ago--I sure looked good with my hair pulled
back in a ponytail; pink, blue or white polo shirt, white or tan capris
and white golf shoes and glove. But I can hardly call myself a golfer!
Tues., March 24
- Skiing & Racing Updates:
I am in love with skiing! Dreamt about it for several days after getting
back from our trip to Snowshoe, WV. Started with a class on the bunny
slopes and ended that day doing three runs on three separate Greens! Went
skiing all day the following day and also did night-skiing with David,
daughter Armani and our niece Alena. We are already planning our family
ski trip for next year! And Armani & I will go with our very own skis,
snowboard & ski/snowboard boots!
I beat my 5K personal
best (see below) with 32:48 (10:33 min./mile), placing 10 out of 21 in
my age group and 66 out of 137 in the women's division @ the St. Patrick's
Day 5K/10K Race this past Sunday!

Grace & David

Grace (on tip-toes!) & Gina
Sat., April 25,
2009 - Happy Spring!

Spring Break
@ Disney World

Easter - Top-Bottom, L-R:
My best friend Kelly & Mom
Grace & Anna
Aug. 4, 2009
Results from yesterday's semi-annual blood work and CT scan are negative
for colon cancer recurrence! Oncologist congratulated me with great news
for the next semi-annual medical procedures: I can skip the colonoscopy!
Nov. 12, 2009
Happy upcoming holidays!
So much to do, so little time!
Today, there's a cold
front with a "high" only in the 60's and a low of upprer 40s.
Brrr! It's 8:30 p.m. and 57-degrees right now. I went outside and my fingers
are numb, from the tips to the third (bottom) knuckle. It's hard for me
to type on the keyboard right now. And 2 hours ago, I got major jaw spasms
when I took my first bite of dinner of 3 oz pork tenderloin and roasted
brussel sprouts. It's been four years since my last chemo treatment, so
I believe my neuropathy side effects from chemo will be with me for life.Hair
and nails are growing at a rapid rate. I have to file down my nails every
three-to-four days and I think it's time for a partial highlight throughout
my crown. Time to call my hair dresser!